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How to find the right toilet plumber near me?

Toilet plumberThe toilet is clogged! One of the most annoying inconveniences you can encounter at home. Especially if you share the toilet with several housemates. This problem therefore calls for a quick solution. But how do you tackle it? Do you first see if you can solve the problem yourself, or do you prefer to pass the job on and call a toilet plumber? And what should you do or not do when you get to work yourself? If you haven’t decided yet, start by reading a bit more about the causes of a clogged toilet and the possible solutions to this unpleasant issue.

What are the causes of a clogged toilet?

A common reason for a clogged toilet is excessive use of toilet paper. The toilet paper will clump together in the drain and create clogs where no more water can pass. You should also be careful when using wet wipes. And sometimes a toilet cube gets stuck in the drain because it has been flushed by accident.

And if you have children, you know better than anyone that the toilet is a nice place for your child to throw toys or other things. Furthermore, it happens regularly that people throw their cooking fat into the toilet. When this grease solidifies, it can stick in the drain, causing a blockage. So you see, there are more than enough causes that can cause problems in your toilet.

What do you do when the toilet is blocked?

When the toilet is clogged, it can be an annoying situation, but there are several actions you can take to solve the problem. Here is a guide on what to do when the toilet is clogged:

Do not flush again: If you notice that the water in the toilet is rising and the drainage is slow, the worst thing you can do is to flush again. This could cause an overflow and further damage.

Use the plunger: A plunger can be an effective tool to unblock a clogged toilet. Place the rubber edge of the plunger over the toilet’s drain hole and push and pull vigorously. This movement can create pressure and push the blockage away.

Specific detergent or baking soda and vinegar: You can try using a specific toilet cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Pour the baking soda into the toilet, then slowly pour in the vinegar. Leave for a few minutes and then try flushing.

Flexible cable or plumber’s spring: If the plunger was unsuccessful, you may have to use a flexible cable or plumber’s spring. This tool can be inserted into the drain pipe to break the blockage.

Call a professional toilet plumber: If all DIY (Do-it-yourself) attempts fail to solve the problem, it may be time to call a professional toilet plumber by Emergency Plumber Wolverhampton. Plumbers have the necessary tools and skills to tackle more difficult blockages and solve any more serious problems in the plumbing system.

What other options are there?

Enzyme-Based Cleaners: Enzymatic drain cleaners contain bacteria and enzymes that can break down organic matter, helping to dissolve the blockage. Follow the product instructions carefully, as these cleaners may take some time to work.

Hot Water and Dish Soap: Pouring hot water mixed with dish soap into the toilet bowl may help break down the clog. Let the mixture sit for a while before attempting to flush. Be cautious not to use boiling water, as it can crack the porcelain.

Chemical Drain Cleaners: Chemical drain cleaners can be effective, but they are harsh and can damage pipes with repeated use. Use them sparingly, following safety guidelines, and avoid mixing different types of drain cleaners.

Plumbing Snake: A plumbing snake, also known as an auger, is a long, flexible tool designed to reach and break up clogs. Insert the snake into the toilet drain and rotate it to dislodge the obstruction. 

Professional toilet plumber: If all else fails, or if you’re uncomfortable using certain tools, it’s time to call in a professional plumber. Experienced plumbers have the expertise and equipment to handle stubborn blockages and can identify and address more significant issues within the plumbing system.

Remove the Toilet: In extreme cases, you may need to remove the toilet from the floor to access the drain directly. This allows for a more thorough cleaning or removal of an obstinate clog. 

What is best not to do?

Flushing repeatedly: If the toilet is clogged, avoid flushing repeatedly. This could lead to water overflowing and cause further damage. Wait until the water level drops before attempting to flush again.

Using Sharp or Hard Objects: Avoid using sharp or hard objects to try to break the blockage in the toilet. These objects may damage the toilet or the flush pipe, making the situation worse.

Using Aggressive Chemicals Excessively: Excessive use of aggressive chemicals can damage the pipes and fittings of your plumbing system. Limit the use of these products and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Forcing the Plunger Too Vigorously: While the plunger can be a useful tool for unclogging a toilet, forcing it too vigorously could damage the toilet seal or the flush pipe.

Flushing Objects Not Suitable for the Toilet: Avoid flushing objects not suitable for the toilet, such as diapers, sanitary towels, excessive toilet paper or other materials that could cause blockages. 

Forget Prevention: After solving the problem, don’t forget to adopt practices to prevent future clogs. 

Call in professional help?

Of course, you may wonder if you would rather not outsource this job right away. In Emergency Plumber Wolverhampton, we have a wide skilled plumber who always have the right tools at hand and will unblock your toilet in no time. Contact the Emergency Plumber Wolverhampton for fast service. Call us!

We collaborate with: Emergency Locksmith 24h, Emergency Plumber 24h, Emergency Plumbing London, Emergency Plumber Brighton and Emergency Electrician Basingstoke.

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